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On 6 August 1991, Tim Berners-Lee released his text-based Web software to the public creating the beginnings of the World Wide Web and general public use of the Internet.
What is the World wide Web?

The World Wide Web is a system of text links and multimedia capabilities that make the Internet accessible to mass audiences.

Who is Tim Berners-Lee?

Tim Berners-Lee is the primary inventor of the software program known as the World Wide Web. In 1989, Berners-Lee and his CERN colleagues created a communications protocol called HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that standardised communication between computer servers and clients.
Tim Berners-Lee was born on 8 June 1955 in London, England.

Timeline of the WWW

1971: First email is sent by computer engineer Ray Tomlinson
1989 March:Tim Berners-Lee coins the term World Wide Web (www)
1994: First full-text Web search engine is launched – the WebCrawler
1995: September, eBay is launched
1996 4 July - Hotmail is launched commercially, linking America’s Independence Day with freedom on the internet
1998 September - Google is launched
1999 The first large peer-to-peer file-sharing network is launched – Napster
2003 April - iTunes is launched by Apple
2003 August - MySpace launched helping to break the music careers of singers including Lily Allen and bands like Arctic Monkeys
2003 February - Social network site Facebook and sharing application Flickr launched
2005 February - Video-sharing site YouTube
2006 March – Twitter launched

1 comentario:

  1. Estimada compañera, mi nombre es Víctor Cordero, soy maestro de E.F. en CEIP Hogarsol de Málaga. Gracias al III concurso de blogs educativos de Málaga, he podido conocer su blog y le felicito de antemano por su trabajo. Me dirijo a usted para solicitar su colaboración en mi investigación sobre el proceso comunicativo en los edublogs.
    El objetivo de la misma es tratar de conocer el uso comunicativo que se le está dando a este medio desde el ámbito educativo.
    Preciso de su ayuda para poder finalizarla y por ello le pido que realice su aportación rellenado un cuestionario que le haré llegar por correo electrónico. Le dejo el mío para que podamos contactar:
    Le agradezco su colaboración y le informo de que sus respuestas tendrán un carácter confidencial.
    Que tenga un buen día.
    Atentamente, Víctor Cordero Sancho.
