• 500 gr. wheat flour
• 200 ml warm milk
• 100 gr sugar
• 30 gr yeast
• 2 eggs (one for brushing the dough)
• salt
• 100 gr margarine
. dried fruit
First of all mix the yeast with a little of warm milk, sugar, and flour. Wait 15 minutes until it doubles it´s size. Now we must mix the rest of flour, milk, salt, margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon. Keep kneading until getting a soft dough. Now add the yeast mixture and continue kneading and try to get off all the air.

Now try to form a "Roscon" this looks like a doughnut and the decorate it with dried fruits. Rub it with the egg and bake it at a 200 ª C preheated oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown. This recipes makes two medium Roscones or cakes.

Then decorate it with some sugar and if you want put some whipped cream or even vanilla custard, but don´t forget to hide the little present inside!!!

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